Scenario8's Newsletter

Keep updated about Events in your region, News about the brands we represent and important General Information.

Let's be clear: no, we have no intention of spamming you!

On the contrary, we want to inform you about events in your area. That's why it's important to tell us your address - or at least your canton.

The kind of news you'll receive? For example, when organising a Scenario8 on Tour in your area, an invitation will be sent to you in advance. This way, you'll know when and where we are!

You will also be informed about our new Partners, if they are in your area. By the way, we now have three trusted partners in Switzerland: Proride Mobility, elfar GmbH and Meister Engineering. Be sure to get in touch with them to organise test rides of RGNT Motorcycles!

What is Scenario8 on Tour?

Scenario8 on Tour are regular events organised throughout Switzerland. In order to make you discover the motorbikes we distribute in our country, we decided to come to you! Present in the major cities of Switzerland, we try to cover the whole country. Some events are organised in partnership with other establishments. Stay tuned and visit us at our next event in your area!

Are you interested in meeting us in your region? Do you have an idea where we could organise our next Scenario8 on Tour? Contact us and let us know!

contact us

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